Treating inflamed and non-inflamed scars with icoone® Medical targeted programs

A scar is the body’s natural way of healing and replacing lost or damaged skin: any eventual damage to the deeper layer of the skin, the dermis, is required to produce a scar, whereas in case of damages to only the epidermis, the most superficial layer, the scar will not always appear. A scar is usually composed of fibrous tissue and it may be formed for many different reasons, including as a result of infections, surgery, injuries, or inflammation of tissue.
The final look of a scar depends on many factors, including the skin type and location on the body, the direction of the wound, the type of injury, the age of the person, and his or her nutritional status.
Thanks to some specific icoone® Medical programs we are able to treat both still inflamed and not inflamed scars. For example, using the healthcare program “Novaskin”, we can mobilize, soften, moisturize, drain and stimulate cell regeneration with reduction of fibrosis of the interstitial matrix, improving healing in the event of recent scars. Whereas thanks to the combination of the programs “Skinrepair” and “Final”, suitable for scars that are no longer inflamed, we can reduce fibrosis, favoring the reactivation of the micro-circulation and prevent secondary effects such as adhesions, thus obtaining an aesthetic and functional improvement.
Sometimes scars could be considered as an indelible memory on the skin, but by treating them effectively, the overall quality of tissue involved improves and consequently, unwanted sided effects can be toned down.