Discover how the Roboderm® technology can improve the recovery of the subcutaneous tissue

This month we will have the pleasure of taking you back on the journey through the skin tissue to highlight the effectiveness of icoone thanks to the exclusive Roboderm® technology.
The knowledge concerning living human matter has been largely improved thanks to intratissularendoscopic explorations. A new concept based on a multifibrillararchitecture able to respond to mechanical stimulation, is proposed.
But which is the behaviour of this fibrillar structure when aging processes, obesity and skin tensions are involved? Is this architecture able to restore itself?
At the moment, mechanical stimulation therapies are one of the best options to improve the recovering subcutaneous and cutaneous structures and to diminish the tissular retraction and stiffness.
The innovative Roboderm® patent treats skin flaws and blemishes by stimulating the connective tissue effectively and in depth.
SAVE THE DATE: Tuesday 14th September, 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. (CET).
The event “How can we explain aging, obesity and skin tensions through the organization of living matter?” will be hosted in English by Luca Gualdrini, General Manager of i-Tech Industries and Maria Angela Paladino – Head of Scientific Department i-Tech Industries together with Dr. Jean Claude Guimberteau – MD, Plastic surgeon, specialized in hand surgery and microsurgical replantation, member of the French Academy of surgery.
If you are a medical professional or you are just eager to learn more about these scientific topics, don’t miss the chance to participate at this unique experience, as this time the event won’t be recorded!
Click here for free registration:
The event will also stream LIVE on our Facebook page @icooneww.