Discover it during the next #icooneTalks – Scientific Series

This month, for the third appointment of the #icooneTalks, we are pleased to introduce a journey through the layers of the subcutaneous tissue led by Dr. Jean Claude Guimberteau, specialized in reconstructive surgery.
In fact, the icoone® project owes its inspiration to his extraordinary intuition with regard to the structure of connective tissue. He has demonstrated that the skin should be conceived as a living and continuous matter and that the subcutaneous tissue consists of a network of microvacuoles, arranged in a chaotic manner and with a fractal appearance, which constitute the main component – the functional unit – of the overall tissue structure.
As a result, the Multi Micro Alveolar Stimulation (M.M.A.S.), the hallmark of icoone® technology, represents a unique way to stimulate the fibrillar network and cells.
SAVE THE DATE: Wednesday 10th February, at 3:30 – 16:30 p.m. (CET)
The event “Living Matter: excursion under the Skin” will be hosted in English by Dr. Maria Angela Paladino, Head of the Scientific Department in i-Tech Industries, together with Dr. Jean Claude Guimberteau: MD, Plastic Surgeon, specialized in hand surgery and microsurgical replantation; Member of the French Academy of Surgery.
If you are a beauty or medical professional or you are just eager to learn more about these scientific topics, don’t miss the chance to participate at this unique experience, as this time our event won’t be recorded!
Click here for free registration: Living Matter: excursion under the Skin – Crowdcast