Following the success of the last edition, the competition open to all the icoone centers in the world is back

“To find the best for our clients”: this is the main goal of all the beauty and medical centers around the world, icoone is for sure the best ally to reach it, as it helps men and women to feel more comfortable in their own bodies.
The icoone® Best Results Contest is born exactly to show the achievements reached with our technology and to award the best centers and trainers worldwide who, thanks to their daily passion and professionalism, make all this possible.
The competition
From cellulite to post caesarean scars, up to medical and face treatments, each center can nominate a variety of icoone beauty and medical cases. At this link you will find all the steps to register and share your best results.
The winners of the contest will be selected by a dedicated committee and will be awarded in the treatment category they have selected:
– Best result – Facial treatments (for example: toning, anti-aging / wrinkles / face lifting and lip push-up, neck and neckline regeneration)
– Best result – Body treatments (for example: cellulite reduction, remodeling treatments or treatments for the reduction of localised fat, toning treatments or tissue regeneration)
– Best result – Medical treatments (for example: edema, hematoma, fibrosis, acne, post-surgical scars such as mammoplasty, abdominoplasty, blepharoplasty, post-caesarean)
– Fastest result – The most evident result achieved with the fewest number of sessions and / or in the least number of days
– Your most satisfied customer: combination of an objectively striking result and client’s feedback on the improvement in the quality of life obtained thanks to icoone®
So, do not miss the chance to participate in this challenge and to join the icoone results’ “hall of fame”: register on and upload your best achievements. May the best win!
Are you eager to discover all the winners of the last edition? Click here!